The top 6 most common truck detailing mistakes

There is so many common things that people are continuously using in order to keep their vehicle clean, not even knowing how much harm they are causing to them. That’s why we are going to talk about it in this blog post, in order to help you out with maintain your vehicles as good as you are able to.

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# 1 Mistake:

Number one mistake that people are doing in order to keep their workhorse cabins clean is using oil or silicone based interior cleaners. Why not? First thing that they can do, is damage fabric on your seats if you accidentally spray them or they somehow leak on you seat in the cleaning process. Second thing they are not good for is actual safety. That glossy finish that they achieve could be very dangerous, since they can cause reflections that could distract drivers and give them hard time while they are driving.

# 2 Mistake: 

Second mistake is kind a related to the first one, in the way that its connected with using oily based conditioners. Maybe you were never thinking about this one, but conditioning your foot pedals, steering wheel and shift knob can make them pretty slippery. Not even talking about turning signals, hazard lights and all other switches and components that are engaged in your driving routine. While driving you want to make sure that you are the one controlling the vehicle, without even a possibility of something going wrong.

# 3 Mistake:

Using heavy chemical based solutions for cleaning your cabin. You should be especially careful when you are picking chemicals that you will use for cleaning, because some of them can do a real harm to your body. We are talking about chemicals that are as simple as window cleaner, that can contain ammonia, or cleaners that contain benzene or naphthalene or any other chemical that’s dangerous for human body. Even in small amounts, they can cause a lot of bad influence for your health. Using them for cleaning any type of vehicle, especially your sleeper cabins, where most semi-truck drivers are sometimes spending 24 hours a day, is a big mistake.

# 4 Mistake: 

Using wrong brushes or towels is one of common mistakes that people are doing when they are cleaning their vehicles. Especially when we are talking about drill brushes, you have to be very careful which one you are picking for what type of surface, because if you don’t pick the right one, you can seriously damage your compartments, seats or upholstery. When you are picking the brush, pay attention for color codes that should come in manual for your brushes. Usually red and yellow colors are marking brushes that are harder, and should be used for carpets, and white ones are more gentle and you should use them for your seats and upholstery. This is just example, so once you get your set of brushes, make sure that you read the description first. 

As speaking of towels, make sure that you pick good microfiber towels which are having good absorbing power and not leaving tracks or traces on your surfaces.

# 5 Mistake: 

Not vacuuming interior before you wipe it of can be a bigger problem than you can imagine. Even if you don’t see dust or dirt, it is there, trust us! If you do this, first thing is that you will be spreading dirt and dust all over it, and second thing is that you can even cause some scratches and damage to your surfaces.

# 6 Mistake: 

Most people forget about this one, but you should keep in mind that you are the most valuable asset that all of us have. So please try to protect yourself in any possible way, from masks, gloves, to protective glasses or any other thing that you can think of.